Digital transformation occurs when organizations investigate how they can integrate digital processes into all areas of operations and then implement that integration. It is not just about technology; it’s also about creating new value for the business and its customers through the strategic use of digital tools and methodologies.

Some find this transformational culture shift difficult since it can be a vast undertaking for the organization. Others welcome this change with open arms and understand the why behind it more easily than others. With a digital transformation, engaging the business to participate actively is crucial. Sometimes, the little things employees can do to help push forward the culture shifts are necessary to make the change successful.

In this blog, D’Lovely Gibson shares how businesses can effectively engage their teams, ensure alignment between technology initiatives and business objectives, and overcome challenges driving digital transformation across the organization.

D’Lovely Gibson is a Fortune 500 executive leader and a global technology transformation senior executive with 20+ years of experience in driving business growth by delivering innovative solutions. 


Importance of Engaging the Business In Digital Transformation

Engaging the business in digital transformation is important for several reasons. It’s about using technology to achieve strategic business goals, which requires employee buy-in from the start. This will also require rethinking the current business model and promoting a cultural, innovative change. 

Gibson highlights the critical role of business engagement in the success of digital transformation efforts, illustrating the consequences of disengagement and the benefits of active participation.

“We’ve seen instances where the lack of business engagement has derailed entire projects. But when the business is involved, the results are significantly better. When you’re going through a digital transformation, it’s crucial to have the business fully engaged. Without that buy-in, you’re setting yourself up for failure.”

Just like a school project, nothing will get done in assigned “collaborative group work” if engagement and participation are not prioritized. Transformation begins an extremely uphill battle without collaboration.           


Three E’s for successful transformation: Education, Engagement, and Expectations

Change is necessary for growth. To make any transformation successful, it’s crucial to focus on three key areas: Education, Engagement, and Expectations. These “Three E’s” help ensure everyone is informed, involved, aligned with, and bought into the transformation goals. 

Gibson introduces the first “E” (Education) and how and why it plays a role in successful digital transformation. “Education is the first step. You must educate the business on why technology changes are necessary and how they’ll benefit from them. Without that understanding, you’re just pushing technology for the sake of technology.”  This is very true in all organizations and businesses. If employees don’t understand the why, it’ll be more difficult to achieve buy-in.

Moving on to the next “E,” she says, “Engagement is key. It’s not just about pushing information out there; it’s about creating a dialogue, listening to feedback, and making sure people feel heard.”

“Setting clear Expectations from the beginning is critical. When everyone knows what to expect, there’s less resistance, and the whole process runs more smoothly,” Gibson says. There should be clear protocols, expectations, and focus areas during a major overhaul such as a digital transformation.


Tools and Methods for Maintaining Strategic Alignment and Communication

Strategic alignment and communication, especially across different levels and locations within a company, is imperative for engaging a business.

“It’s crucial to have regular communication with the executives and board members to ensure alignment on the strategic direction. If you’re not on the same page, it can cause a lot of confusion and inefficiency,” Gibson states.

Continuous and effective communication is key within any organization, whether that be through Teams, email, another platform, or in-person. Lack thereof can cause confusion and chaos, especially when multiple departments are involved.

She adds, “Keeping the leadership informed and involved helps maintain that alignment and ensures that everyone understands the big picture.”

Another concept to consider is tailoring communication for different technology leadership levels. Gibson explains, “You have to tailor your communication depending on the audience. The way you talk to the board is different from how you engage with your technology leadership team. Each level has different needs and perspectives, and it’s important to address them. Communication isn’t one-size-fits-all. You need to adjust based on who you’re talking to and where they are in the organization.”  Ultimately, it’s about HOW employees communicate with each other, how to make it effective, meaningful, and individualized, and how to be respectful when doing so.


Change Management and Dealing with Obstacles

Change management is exactly what it sounds like…managing people and processes

throughout a change. This can include preparing, supporting, and helping individuals, teams, and the entire organization successfully transition from a current state to a desired future state. Of course, there will be obstacles along the way, and the leaders who help the transformation go more smoothly will facilitate handling them. Resistance is likely, and it is important to engage diverse employee groups to overcome obstacles effectively.

On being flexible and adaptable to change, Gibson says, “To manage change effectively, you need to be flexible and adaptable. The landscape is always shifting, and being rigid in your approach can create more obstacles than solutions. Change management requires a mindset that embraces flexibility. If you’re not open to adjusting your strategies as things evolve, you will likely encounter more resistance.”

In reference to engaging different types of employees in the transformation process, she adds, “It’s essential to engage different types of employees in the transformation process. Each group will have unique concerns and perspectives, and addressing those specifically helps smooth the transition. Different employees respond to change in different ways. Tailoring your approach to fit these varied responses can make a big difference in how smoothly the transformation goes.”


Future Trends In Digital Transformation and Advice for Leaders and Vendors

As technology evolves rapidly, staying ahead in digital transformation is crucial for businesses. Lastly, we explore the emerging trends that will shape the future of digital transformation and offer practical advice for leaders to navigate these changes effectively.

First, Gibson discusses digital transformation strategies and the importance of business

engagement, providing insight into future directions and advice for leaders: “Digital transformation is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous process of rolling transformations. The technology landscape constantly evolves, and staying on top of these changes is crucial for ongoing success. She continues, “In today’s world, technology doesn’t stand still. Leaders must be prepared for ongoing transformations and ensure their strategies adapt to constant technological advancements.”

How will companies transform without staying current and aware of emerging technologies?

“Being aware of these advancements allows you to anticipate changes and leverage new opportunities before your competitors do,” states Gibson. “Keeping up with the latest tech trends is essential for leaders and vendors alike. Understanding emerging technologies helps make informed decisions and stay relevant in a fast-paced digital world.”

To conclude, there are several technological trends to watch to assist in transforming your business or organization: Generative AI and automation; hyper-personalization; edge computing and 5G; sustainable technology; cybersecurity advancements; Metaverse and immersive experiences; digital twins; and AI-driven analytics.



Digital transformation is a complex but essential process that requires the active participation of the entire organization. Businesses can navigate transformation challenges more effectively by focusing on education, engagement, and setting clear expectations. Leader’s prioritizing strategic alignment and communication while staying adaptable to change are better equipped to guide their teams through this ongoing journey, ensuring long-term success in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

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