ATP Annual Events

Awards Gala

The ATP Awards Gala is where the best and brightest in technology will come together to recognize and celebrate Atlanta’s top industry leaders.

2022 Award Winners

The Connector

Technology Service Provider

Executive Leadership

Innovation Award

Startup Disruptor

Emerging Leader

Tino Mantella

Tino Mantella

President & CEO

Turknett Leadership Group

Dan Gordon

Dan Gordon

Atlanta Headquarters Lead - Office Executive Director

Jabian Consulting

Nate Arnold

Nate Arnold

CIO Services & Aero Operations

GE Power

Sarah Butterfass

Sarah Butterfass

Chief Product Officer


James Lewis

James Lewis

Co-Founder & CEO

11/Ten Innovation Partners

Tyler Grubbs

Tyler Grubbs

Executive Director of Store Systems & Technologies

Race Trac

Awards Gala Gallery

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